Federated Learning vs Distributed Learning

October 26, 2021


Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize various industries. From healthcare to finance, AI can be used to achieve extraordinary feats. However, with great power comes great complexity. Implementing AI is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of resources, including data and computing power.

Two methodologies are widely adopted for training AI models: Federated Learning and Distributed Learning. The following post aims to provide you with an unbiased comparison between the two methodologies, highlighting their pros and cons.

Federated Learning

Federated Learning is a new approach in AI that addresses the privacy and security issues associated with centralized machine learning. It allows the model to be trained without transferring user data to a central server. Instead, each user's device trains the model locally, and only the model updates are sent to the central server. This approach makes it possible to train a machine learning model using data from multiple sources while maintaining data privacy.

One of the main advantages of Federated Learning is that it requires less computation power and bandwidth than traditional machine learning since it takes place locally on users' devices. This approach makes it cost-effective and reduces the risk of data breaches. Federated Learning is particularly useful in applications where data privacy is a crucial concern, such as healthcare and finance.

Distributed Learning

Distributed Learning is a traditional approach to training machine learning models that is widely used in industry. In Distributed Learning, large datasets are split into multiple partitions, and each partition is allocated to a different machine. Each machine trains its model using its data partition, and the models' updates are periodically shared so that each machine can improve its own model.

Distributed Learning has been proven to be effective in training large-scale machine learning models. However, it requires high computation power and a fast network connection. Additionally, Distributed Learning is not well-suited for applications where data privacy is crucial as all data partitions are centralized.

Comparison between Federated Learning and Distributed Learning

Data Privacy

Federated Learning is the clear winner when it comes to data privacy. It is designed explicitly to address privacy concerns by keeping data local and makes it difficult for third parties to access sensitive data. Distributed Learning, on the other hand, requires data partitioning, and all partitions are centralized on one or more machines, making it prone to breaches.

Computation Power

Federated Learning requires less computation power than Distributed Learning. In Federated Learning, each user device trains the model locally, reducing the need for high computation power. In contrast, Distributed Learning requires high computation power as each machine trains its own model.

Network Bandwidth

Federated Learning has an advantage when it comes to network bandwidth requirements. Since training happens locally on devices, the updates that the central server receives are relatively small, reducing the need for high bandwidth. On the other hand, Distributed Learning requires high bandwidth since each machine needs to exchange data with other machines to optimize the model.


Both Federated Learning and Distributed Learning have their pros and cons. However, the choice between the two methodologies depends on the type of application and the resources available. Federated Learning is best suited for privacy-sensitive applications, while Distributed Learning is more effective for large-scale machine learning models.


  • Konecny, J., McMahan, H. B., Yu, F. X., Richtarik, P., Suresh, A. T., & Bacon, D. (2016). Federated optimization: Distributed machine learning for on-device intelligence. arXiv preprint arXiv:1610.02527.
  • Qian, H., Yu, Y., Wu, X. M., Xu, B., Yu, F. X., & Song, L. (2019). Distributed machine learning: A review of recent advances and challenges. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, 31(1), 112-153.

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